Work Experience

As part of my media and communications course at Birmingham City University, I have undertaken work experience at two separate companies. This has enabled me to gain knowledge and experience of working in a media environment.



Social Media Manager Intern – Cool As Birmingham (6 months)

In May 2015 I carried out six months of work experience at a company called ‘Cool As’. During my time working for this company I took the role of a social media manager My responsibility were to keep our audience updated on what was going on in Birmingham, promote good places to visit in Birmingham, and just to keep our audience up to date with anything interesting happening in the city. My employer wanted me to attend events, restaurants, for example I visited a bar when they launched their new cocktails. I was able to give businesses recognition via our Twitter page, which many showed appreciation for. I recently went back to the same restaurants, to increase their awareness online and to help build it up. For example if businesses were having any up and coming events they would add us into their tweets, and I would put it on our Twitter page.

Below is my employer testimonial from Cool As.

Employer Testimonial


Digital Media Intern – Made Media (1 month)

During my work experience I worked as a digital media intern. I choose this as when talking to my employer I was showing interest in online journalism, and I wanted to gain skills in created websites. When I however arrived at for my placement, the task they had set up was not setup. I was therefore assigned to work alongside a member of the team called David. During this I was working on parts on recreating the Royal Albert Hall’s website. I took on the role on working on some of his background tasks related to the website that took up some time.  Some of my roles included:

Below is my employer testimonial from Made Media.

Made Media employee testimonial

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